Tuesday, 29 April 2014

India's lady in the water

A few years ago, I went to India for holiday/vacation. Travelling up the country, I stayed in a small town in Uttar Pardesh for a few days.

One day in U.P, I managed to stumble and over hear a person saying something "underwater comes up and drown men", to a group of people.
Quite intrigued I integrated myself into the group. Puzzled to what I heard, I ask them.... " Something under water??? Drowning men???
One of the guys, with what seems to be a serious looking face and a serious tone of voice says.
"There is a pond in the north-east in the hills. Surrounding the pond is a very narrow footpath. Sometimes a lady in the water, head and shoulders comes out, her arm stretches to grab any man by the ankle that is passing by. Her strength so powerful, that how hard you struggle, she will drag you underwater, and that man is never seen again, and the lady just disappears, only to come out again later"
Another person in the group explained what lady in the water is. "Long ago, nobody knows when exactly. A husband murdered his wife, and dumped the body in that pond. She has her revenge by drowning any man walking by that has problems/arguments with his wife"
As I looked around at the group, I sensed they know the lady in the water, and the atmosphere was serious about the matter.

I asked questions such as, "How do you know this lady in the water? Who is it? What is it?"
I got multiple responses from multiple people. "Its a lady, a woman" "Mid 20's" "Seems late 1800s time" "By the way shes dressed" "Seems to be a ghost/spirit, but looks so real"
The guys said the lady in the water events reached to these group of people from word of mouth to word of mouth to word of mouth. But 2 of the guys said they have witnessed the lady in the water and never want to go back anywhere near that pond.

One of the guy in the group was about to tell that the lady in the water took another victim before I rudely intervened. But the guys seemed sincere.

Afraid and did not want to invade their privacy I did not ask who they were, where they are from etc etc. 
That was the only time I heard about this lady in the water, but I never pursued this any further

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