Not exactly personal, but a few people are personally know have experienced it
has anyone experienced strange noises, which apparently coming from the skies, and its loud...from all over the world, since the end off 2011.
there are 100's of videos from usa,uk,russia,chile, to name a few places
I have many upon many strange experiences since I was a little child, most of them personal, some with in the family. There must be a logical explanation of the strange experience, that I let you decide..
Wednesday, 30 April 2014
Tuesday, 29 April 2014
Dreams suffocation with sleep paralysis
There is one dream, I keep on getting over and over for the past 10 or 11 years ago, about the origins of Aliens/ET. i have already posted this dream under Extraterrestrial Life & UFO Phenomenon.
But I use to have another dreams where the exact things happen a few days later. I believe these dreams were messages. One was a car accident, another was a work fork-lift truck accident. These accidents happened at the exact same time, in the exact same location, and in the same manner, as it did in my dreams. Also I use to have dreams of people, that I never met in real life, only to see them in person a few days later. I had dreams, were I went to a location that I never been before, then few days later I actually was at that location in person. I also had dreams were I was watching TV, and what was on TV was completely new to me, be it a movie, or a documentary etc, only to watch it in person for the first time, a few days later.
But from a very young age, I get a dream, that recurs once in a red moon.
In the dream.... Me, sister, mum, dad moved into a new house, in a new location. The day we moved into our new house, a group of lions escaped from there captivity, (possibly the zoo.) It took days to unpack and get settled in our new home. One evening mum, dad, sister went out for some reason. They left the back door open, so the house can get some extra air. I was all alone in the house, and wandered into the living room. I started to watch the TV, and as I was flicking through the channels, I stumbled upon the news channel. The news was reporting on the escaped lions. This was the first time I knew about the escaped lions. Then suddenly I heard the back door open wider. I got up and went into the kitchen to greet my family. Instead I saw three lionesses on the other side of the kitchen counter, and I was on the other side. The lionesses saw me, and started to stalk me, as soon as the lionesses got to my side of the counter, I would go to the other side. As soon as I got close as I can to the door that takes me outside, I ran for it, closing the door behind. I ran as fast and as far as I could, not looking back. After realizing what had happened, I went straight to the police station by foot. I explained what had happened to the police chief, as best as I could. He gave me questions, which the answers already lies in my story. I repeated my story over and over, but the police said, "Yeah, we will look into it." As I got out of the police station, I realized my family could be in trouble. I darted back to the house, and slowly opened the back door. I saw 3 bodies, half eaten. I stepped in to take a closer look, but could not distinguish who they were, since they were badly recognizable. I then grabbed a baseball bat, and a butchers cleaver type knife thing. Being brave, I decided to search the house, living room - clear, study - clear, downstairs wash room - clear, then I headed upstairs, sisters room - clear, my room - clear, play room - clear, all but one room remains, the master bedroom, heart was thumping and as I was about to open the door, I heard police sirens, and police cars parking up in front of my house. I quickly ran down stairs to greet the police officers and tell them about the bodies in the house. I went to them and dragged them in the house, at the same time telling of my story. As soon as the officers saw the dead, eaten bodies, try tried to arrest me, I kept repeating the lions story. Once officer got his handcuffs out to handcuff me, but in frustration I managed to flee, around into the back garden. I managed to lose the officers very quickly in to process, I ran towards the back of the garden, and noticed the lionesses just basking there. So I took a sharp right turn and fled. I noticed one of the lionesses was slowly running towards me, as I was fleeing. Not to long I found a abandoned World War 2 type bunker shelter, in a nearby area. I stayed there until very late into the evening, I was hungry tired, wet, and scared. I eventually opened the shelter door, slowly and quietly. The first thing I realized was, that nobody was outside. I made my way to a local shop, hoping to get something to eat, since my house was a pretty dangerous place to be at. As I walked in the direction of the shop, I noticed no one had any lights on, even the street lights were off. And it was to early, but the shops were closed and shut. It was like a ghost town. I then heard roars coming from behind me, so I picked up my pace. The roars became nearer and louder, with the quick glance behind I began to run at jogging pace. I came to a dead end, with a little entrance to a park. Again another roar, which made me enter the park. Upon entering, there was a straight footpath to the other side.
Then some thing caught my eye, more than a pride of lions, scattered everywhere in the park, all sleeping. I started slowly, silently tip toeing my way across the other side of the park. I heard another roar, louder and nearer. I noticed some lions were flinching their ears, when they heard the roar. Then I decided to run as fast as I could to the other side. I noticed the lions I ran past were waking up, and started to chase me. I quickly looked around and see the lions, with the huge teethes, ready to make a kill. Up further ahead, I see no more ground, ground or no ground, this is the direction I have to go. As I approached, I leaped so high and noticed I leap of a cliff. As I fell, I was sure I was a goner. But a miracle happened, I spawned wings, the wings looked the white angel wings. So I was flying, not so high up in the sky, and I landed, what I thought was out of trouble. My wings were done too. (I was so happy, when I was flying, I never felt that happy before. I felt I was happy in real life on my bed as well as in the dream.
I felt like someone took me to paradise or the promise land, but what ever it was, it felt so good.) Not long after I landed, the lions were on my trail. I quietly and humbly find somewhere to hide, but no luck. Lions jumped out of no where, and formed a circle around me. When the alpha male came, I was petrified. I was so terrified that I could not move my body in any way possible. I was totally paralyzed, when the alpha male came.
As I was paralyzed in my dream, it felt like I was paralyzed in real life too. I see the alpha male stalking me with his big sharp teeth in view. In my dream I stopped struggling to try to move, but I wanted to move in real life, so I could wake up from this nightmare. At this point, I could not see my dream anymore. It was total darkness, and I believed my dream had ended. But I was not awake, I could see flashes of terror from the dream. I do not know, if I am still in sleep mode or awake mode. All i know is that I need to know if I am awake.Hell, I did not even know if
I am on my bed or not. At this time bad thoughts ran through my mind. Am I being abducted?? or am I held hostage?? I felt like I been tied up, since I could not move at all, also I felt someone duct taped my eye lids, since I cannot see or move my eye lids. I tried screaming so my wife can wake me up from this terror, I think I did scream, but maybe not loud enough or the wife was to far away to hear. Then I start elbowing her, well I think I did elbow her, but could not feel me elbowing her, but ultimately to no eval. After much frustration, I must of fell asleep and woke up the next morning. I told me wife and she was beside me all night long, and said nothing out of the ordinary happened.
I had this dream sometimes, where after seeing the alpha male, I was not paralyzed. So I ran around the circle trying to find a exit for escape, but could not. I turned to see the alpha male, he jumped on me, I landed on the ground, the alpha male on top of me with his left paw pressing down on me. I felt his weight in my dream, and at the same time I felt weight on my chest in real life. I start rubbing my chest in real life, but I still left like some thing heavy on my chest. I kept rubbing my chest furiously in real life. The alpha male then took his paw of me, with his weight off me, I made a run for it. At this point my chest felt fine in real life. I did not get far until a lioness leaped over my back, put the back of my neck in her jaws, and ultimately crushing my neck, and I was goner.
As the lioness suffocated me, I could feel I was suffocating in real life, in my sleep. Maybe the dream was trying to reproduce a real life replica. I don't know, all I knew was keep breathing, and some how you might escape from the lions. Then I felt my mouth opened up to full extent to let air in, but no use. I tried to scream, shout. Then I tried to move, but could not. I tried for what seems like ages, tried to get my wife's attention, but failed. I thought I felt my head explode, and felt saliva coming out of my mouth onto the pillow, which is very unusual for me.
There was one time, where I had a night terror dream, not so long ago. I do not remember much in the dream, but it was about a few creatures based on Halloween, for example, ghosts, ghouls, demons..
In this dream I have experienced sleep paralysis, suffocation, and weight on chest. What made this worsen, that
the fact I would snap out of the dream/sleep paralysis etc, only to go back into it from where I left off.
I had multiple sleep paralysis, multiple suffocations and multiple weight on chest. I am very afraid of having these experience, because at the back of my mind, I may not get up
India's lady in the water
A few years ago, I went to India for holiday/vacation. Travelling up the country, I stayed in a small town in Uttar Pardesh for a few days.

One day in U.P, I managed to stumble and over hear a person saying something "underwater comes up and drown men", to a group of people.
Quite intrigued I integrated myself into the group. Puzzled to what I heard, I ask them.... " Something under water??? Drowning men???
One of the guys, with what seems to be a serious looking face and a serious tone of voice says.
"There is a pond in the north-east in the hills. Surrounding the pond is a very narrow footpath. Sometimes a lady in the water, head and shoulders comes out, her arm stretches to grab any man by the ankle that is passing by. Her strength so powerful, that how hard you struggle, she will drag you underwater, and that man is never seen again, and the lady just disappears, only to come out again later"
Another person in the group explained what lady in the water is. "Long ago, nobody knows when exactly. A husband murdered his wife, and dumped the body in that pond. She has her revenge by drowning any man walking by that has problems/arguments with his wife"
As I looked around at the group, I sensed they know the lady in the water, and the atmosphere was serious about the matter.
I asked questions such as, "How do you know this lady in the water? Who is it? What is it?"
I got multiple responses from multiple people. "Its a lady, a woman" "Mid 20's" "Seems late 1800s time" "By the way shes dressed" "Seems to be a ghost/spirit, but looks so real"
The guys said the lady in the water events reached to these group of people from word of mouth to word of mouth to word of mouth. But 2 of the guys said they have witnessed the lady in the water and never want to go back anywhere near that pond.
One of the guy in the group was about to tell that the lady in the water took another victim before I rudely intervened. But the guys seemed sincere.
Afraid and did not want to invade their privacy I did not ask who they were, where they are from etc etc.
That was the only time I heard about this lady in the water, but I never pursued this any further
One day in U.P, I managed to stumble and over hear a person saying something "underwater comes up and drown men", to a group of people.
Quite intrigued I integrated myself into the group. Puzzled to what I heard, I ask them.... " Something under water??? Drowning men???
One of the guys, with what seems to be a serious looking face and a serious tone of voice says.
"There is a pond in the north-east in the hills. Surrounding the pond is a very narrow footpath. Sometimes a lady in the water, head and shoulders comes out, her arm stretches to grab any man by the ankle that is passing by. Her strength so powerful, that how hard you struggle, she will drag you underwater, and that man is never seen again, and the lady just disappears, only to come out again later"
Another person in the group explained what lady in the water is. "Long ago, nobody knows when exactly. A husband murdered his wife, and dumped the body in that pond. She has her revenge by drowning any man walking by that has problems/arguments with his wife"
As I looked around at the group, I sensed they know the lady in the water, and the atmosphere was serious about the matter.
I asked questions such as, "How do you know this lady in the water? Who is it? What is it?"
I got multiple responses from multiple people. "Its a lady, a woman" "Mid 20's" "Seems late 1800s time" "By the way shes dressed" "Seems to be a ghost/spirit, but looks so real"
The guys said the lady in the water events reached to these group of people from word of mouth to word of mouth to word of mouth. But 2 of the guys said they have witnessed the lady in the water and never want to go back anywhere near that pond.
One of the guy in the group was about to tell that the lady in the water took another victim before I rudely intervened. But the guys seemed sincere.
Afraid and did not want to invade their privacy I did not ask who they were, where they are from etc etc.
That was the only time I heard about this lady in the water, but I never pursued this any further
Monday, 28 April 2014
Did mythical Creatures/beast ever exist
Did mythical creatures/being exists or still do exists.
Did those stories (now regarded has a myths/legends) ever happened.
I think they did.
When I think about ancient myths/legends......., were people so smart enough to make up a mythical creature story, or any story that was not true, that lasted a few thousand years....
Yes OK, maybe somebody made a false story up, but them stories are forgotten with in a few decades.
The only reason I can think, of those stories/myths of lasting Milena after Milena is, them stories/myths were true OR based around a true event
For instance I am living in 5000BC, I, like every other people, work very hard every day to make a scratch of living.. There is no time at all to be day dreaming in any way, of mythical creature, or tell a story about mythical events. I believe the minds in them days were way to fickle to understand fully what happens in them days.
I mean people from thousands of years back didn’t have the resources or knowledge to make up such mythical creatures/stories, unless they saw it, or saw something similar to it.
Even today people are discovering new creature so weird that we presume it is from outta space, or looks so similar to a mythical creature from the books.
People today can make up creatures/beings, because we see them everyday, in television, books, Internet and so on.
But even in the early days of television, the creatures/monsters we see on television everyday, are some what based on creatures we see in the mythology books.
I like to give you people a example:s
1. Medusa... Now when I look at Medusa, I see a huge snake swallowing a human female, from legs up.. Also that females hair was long with dread locks. But I cannot begin to guess how Medusa made men into stone...
Maybe its a severe case of F.O.P - Fibrodysplasia Ossificans Progressiva.,
2. Over the centuries, we have heard about babies being born with multiple limbs. One of the most recent and famous was a girl named Lakshmi Tatma, who had 4 arms and hands and 4 legs and feet's. By looking at this baby, it got me thinking about the myths, goddesses/deities, especially from the south Asia legends. Perhaps some one was born in that region, tens of thousands years ago, in the same way Lakshmi Tatma did, and survives into her adult hood. Because of this miracle, they named that person a goddess.
With these two examples, I believe all stories in the ancient times is some what true, with a bit of logic and common sense, we can decode them easily.
Did those stories (now regarded has a myths/legends) ever happened.
I think they did.
When I think about ancient myths/legends......., were people so smart enough to make up a mythical creature story, or any story that was not true, that lasted a few thousand years....
Yes OK, maybe somebody made a false story up, but them stories are forgotten with in a few decades.
The only reason I can think, of those stories/myths of lasting Milena after Milena is, them stories/myths were true OR based around a true event
For instance I am living in 5000BC, I, like every other people, work very hard every day to make a scratch of living.. There is no time at all to be day dreaming in any way, of mythical creature, or tell a story about mythical events. I believe the minds in them days were way to fickle to understand fully what happens in them days.
I mean people from thousands of years back didn’t have the resources or knowledge to make up such mythical creatures/stories, unless they saw it, or saw something similar to it.
Even today people are discovering new creature so weird that we presume it is from outta space, or looks so similar to a mythical creature from the books.
People today can make up creatures/beings, because we see them everyday, in television, books, Internet and so on.
But even in the early days of television, the creatures/monsters we see on television everyday, are some what based on creatures we see in the mythology books.
I like to give you people a example:s
1. Medusa... Now when I look at Medusa, I see a huge snake swallowing a human female, from legs up.. Also that females hair was long with dread locks. But I cannot begin to guess how Medusa made men into stone...
Maybe its a severe case of F.O.P - Fibrodysplasia Ossificans Progressiva.,
2. Over the centuries, we have heard about babies being born with multiple limbs. One of the most recent and famous was a girl named Lakshmi Tatma, who had 4 arms and hands and 4 legs and feet's. By looking at this baby, it got me thinking about the myths, goddesses/deities, especially from the south Asia legends. Perhaps some one was born in that region, tens of thousands years ago, in the same way Lakshmi Tatma did, and survives into her adult hood. Because of this miracle, they named that person a goddess.
With these two examples, I believe all stories in the ancient times is some what true, with a bit of logic and common sense, we can decode them easily.
Strange light anomaly
id say i was 15-16 years old 1998-1999, and one day I decided to meet up with a friend at his house. The friend lives pretty far so I do not know his area really well. After the initial greeting, we decided to hang out with other friends.
Once we met up with the others, we headed towards what seemed to be a abandoned steel shelter,
possibly world war era. I thought the shelter was a parking garage for small private aeroplane.
Anyways I noticed the shelter was barricaded and locked, but one of the boys managed to unlock the only door to the shelter. Once inside it was absolutely dark, no light/light switch, we could not see how big the shelter was from the inside, there was no light coming through at all. Only sunlight visible was where the door was (the sunlight did not get far) and a little square window on the wall high up in the middle of the wall where the door is. I noticed near the door, newspaper cut outs with black and white photos, I can not remember the exact date of them newspaper now, but I'm guessing 50-55 years before. (1945-1950).
At one point there was only me and my friend in the shelter, standing where the sunlight could touch. My friend picked up what i though was a paperclip, and twisted it, to make it a straight flattened. My friend put his hand up and flicked the paperclip very hard. I do not know why I even bothered to look where the paperclip would land since its so dark, but I did. And as I was looking and expecting to hear it land, I saw a sharp light for a fraction of a second, where the paperclip could of traveled. The light seemed to be really long and thin almost 3 times the size of the paperclip itself and on one side of the light I saw a face, to best describe the face then I would say it looked like the face Mr Bean drew, when he ruined the painting in the movie, MR BEAN DISASTER MOVIE, but not as cartoony. Just feets away to where the paperclip could of traveled was the little window that I mentioned earlier higher up in the wall, but sill I did not see any rays that went far enough to hit the paperclip.
I looked at my friend and he seemed shocked too, but he then quickly reached a paperclip on the ground near one of his feet, that seemed to be twisted and flatten out. He remarked saying the flick went badly wrong.
After that I went outside and never talked about this again.
I did try to reason it by logic.. But to this day I cannot explain what I saw that day
Once we met up with the others, we headed towards what seemed to be a abandoned steel shelter,
possibly world war era. I thought the shelter was a parking garage for small private aeroplane.
Anyways I noticed the shelter was barricaded and locked, but one of the boys managed to unlock the only door to the shelter. Once inside it was absolutely dark, no light/light switch, we could not see how big the shelter was from the inside, there was no light coming through at all. Only sunlight visible was where the door was (the sunlight did not get far) and a little square window on the wall high up in the middle of the wall where the door is. I noticed near the door, newspaper cut outs with black and white photos, I can not remember the exact date of them newspaper now, but I'm guessing 50-55 years before. (1945-1950).
At one point there was only me and my friend in the shelter, standing where the sunlight could touch. My friend picked up what i though was a paperclip, and twisted it, to make it a straight flattened. My friend put his hand up and flicked the paperclip very hard. I do not know why I even bothered to look where the paperclip would land since its so dark, but I did. And as I was looking and expecting to hear it land, I saw a sharp light for a fraction of a second, where the paperclip could of traveled. The light seemed to be really long and thin almost 3 times the size of the paperclip itself and on one side of the light I saw a face, to best describe the face then I would say it looked like the face Mr Bean drew, when he ruined the painting in the movie, MR BEAN DISASTER MOVIE, but not as cartoony. Just feets away to where the paperclip could of traveled was the little window that I mentioned earlier higher up in the wall, but sill I did not see any rays that went far enough to hit the paperclip.
I looked at my friend and he seemed shocked too, but he then quickly reached a paperclip on the ground near one of his feet, that seemed to be twisted and flatten out. He remarked saying the flick went badly wrong.
After that I went outside and never talked about this again.
I did try to reason it by logic.. But to this day I cannot explain what I saw that day
Sunday, 27 April 2014
Things that went bump in the night
In 1990 me and my brother, sister and both parents moved into a new location,
I was seven at that time. The house itself was old, but not that old..Hmm I am guessing some time after World War 2, perhaps 1960's.
Everything was splendid living in the house, no problems at all. Until one day, my brother moved out, and I had his bedroom. During the day, his bedroom (which is now mine,) was normal, and absolutely fine. I must of been 12-13, when I had my brothers bedroom.
Now I had his bedroom, at night spooky and unexplainable things start to happen. I would go to bed really earlier, so I could avoid the events, that were about to come. To be honest, everybody in my family would go to bed really early, and everybody including me would shut the door when sleeping. My brother on the other hand came home rather late, either from work or from a night out. But he too would shut the door prior to sleeping. We all knew he comes home rather late, but he never startled anybody upon arriving. He was very discrete, to the point where nobody knew if he'd came in.
The chains of events happened, when my brother left and I had his room. Since I went to bed and start sleeping early, I would just wake up, I'd say after midnight, and felt a dark presence
in the house. At first the feeling was so horrible terrifying, frightening at this unexplainable feeling. (But over the years, I got use to it.) I could hear shuffling down stairs, from the hallway and into the living room. In the living room, was mums sewing machine. I heard somebody turned the sewing machine on, and started sewing. After a minute or two, the sewing machine stopped. Then I heard someone shuffling from the living room, into the kitchen. One by one, all the appliances in the kitchen turned on and few minutes later turned off. First the microwave, on, few minutes later off. Then the toaster, on, few minutes later off Not until all the appliances in the kitchen was turned on, used, then turned off, I heard a few of the kitchen cabinets opening, then shutting quite forcefully. I heard the dishes were being used, then possibly been washed. Soon after that I heard shuffling to the kitchen, and into the guest room. In the guest room. I could hear the TV being turned on to a channel, few moments later, the TV turned off. After that the shuffling happened, out of the guest room, and into the study room. In the study room, I heard the computer turned on, I heard the clicks and the fan. It was not long until the computer turned off.
At this point, I would totally submerged myself under my duvet, due to knowing the presence is headed upstairs. I felt the presence at the bottom of the stairs, and it was there for a very long time. Then it slowly start climbing up the stairs, I did not hear footsteps, but I did hear the steps creaking, that need attention to. It paused for a minute or so, when it reached the top of the stairs. First it headed towards a small play room, had a peek, and went to the bathroom. In the bathroom, I could hear the toilet flushing, the sink running, and the shower going, one after the other. Once done I felt the it was targeting my sisters room. I felt as if it was looking at my sisters bedroom door. After a minute the presence did the exact same thing on my parents bedroom door. The final room in the house was mine. I was scared ****less, I could feel the presence step closer and closer, to my bedroom door. Sometimes I would glance under the door. Even though it was pitch dark behind my bedroom door, I still could make out a pair of boots, on the other side. After a few minutes standing behind the door, I notice a black fog entering from the gap, under the door. And inside my room, the black fog regenerated into a shadow. The shadow was so dark, and very tall, (7ft maybe.) I had my duvet over me, and my face/eyes, so I never got a proper look at it, but I certainly could feel it presence. Very cold, very eerie. It stood over my bed
, looking down on me, for maybe it felt like, half a minute. After that it walked to the furthest corner to where I was sleeping. There it stood, and looked down on me, for what seemed like hours. Sometime I would take a sneak peak at it, from under the covers. Its very dark all over, and very transparent, almost like a real shadow. Some nights I feel the presence, would come out of its corner, towards me and try to drab my duvet of my body, as if it wants me exposed. But I could feel its actions, and therefore tightly squeezed my duvet to me, I did feel a struggle, but it was gone straight after that. One night it did managed to toss my duvet high up in the air, exposed, I screamed what I thought was very loud. Nobody heard me, but the presence was gone.
I get so tired, and eventually I would go to sleep. I was so afraid to get up and tell anyone in the middle of the night. I was even to afraid to go to the toilet in the night, with that thing lurking around. This thing was around me for at least another 3 years, and almost every night, it did the same thing, but I finally found happiness when my parent decided to move again.
Also one day, I had a pencil case full of colouring pencils. I emptied all the pencils out of the case, and were scattered all over the kitchen table. All of the sudden, I saw one pencil moved, that pencil would hit another pencil and then a couple others. It was like saying someone flicked a pencil on the table, causing it to hit a nearby pencil, and that pencil hit a numerous other pencils. This happened 3 times, consecutively.
Also one night, I mistaken a upright iron, on a upright iron board, with a neatly stacked ironed shirts next to the iron, for a huge cat from hell,
and I'd say I was six at the time.. Gave nightmares.
Still afraid even today about the whole thing, but over the years, I did get use to it. Maybe there is an logical answer to all of this. And has someone else experienced this sort of thing.
I was seven at that time. The house itself was old, but not that old..Hmm I am guessing some time after World War 2, perhaps 1960's.
Everything was splendid living in the house, no problems at all. Until one day, my brother moved out, and I had his bedroom. During the day, his bedroom (which is now mine,) was normal, and absolutely fine. I must of been 12-13, when I had my brothers bedroom.
Now I had his bedroom, at night spooky and unexplainable things start to happen. I would go to bed really earlier, so I could avoid the events, that were about to come. To be honest, everybody in my family would go to bed really early, and everybody including me would shut the door when sleeping. My brother on the other hand came home rather late, either from work or from a night out. But he too would shut the door prior to sleeping. We all knew he comes home rather late, but he never startled anybody upon arriving. He was very discrete, to the point where nobody knew if he'd came in.
The chains of events happened, when my brother left and I had his room. Since I went to bed and start sleeping early, I would just wake up, I'd say after midnight, and felt a dark presence
in the house. At first the feeling was so horrible terrifying, frightening at this unexplainable feeling. (But over the years, I got use to it.) I could hear shuffling down stairs, from the hallway and into the living room. In the living room, was mums sewing machine. I heard somebody turned the sewing machine on, and started sewing. After a minute or two, the sewing machine stopped. Then I heard someone shuffling from the living room, into the kitchen. One by one, all the appliances in the kitchen turned on and few minutes later turned off. First the microwave, on, few minutes later off. Then the toaster, on, few minutes later off Not until all the appliances in the kitchen was turned on, used, then turned off, I heard a few of the kitchen cabinets opening, then shutting quite forcefully. I heard the dishes were being used, then possibly been washed. Soon after that I heard shuffling to the kitchen, and into the guest room. In the guest room. I could hear the TV being turned on to a channel, few moments later, the TV turned off. After that the shuffling happened, out of the guest room, and into the study room. In the study room, I heard the computer turned on, I heard the clicks and the fan. It was not long until the computer turned off.
At this point, I would totally submerged myself under my duvet, due to knowing the presence is headed upstairs. I felt the presence at the bottom of the stairs, and it was there for a very long time. Then it slowly start climbing up the stairs, I did not hear footsteps, but I did hear the steps creaking, that need attention to. It paused for a minute or so, when it reached the top of the stairs. First it headed towards a small play room, had a peek, and went to the bathroom. In the bathroom, I could hear the toilet flushing, the sink running, and the shower going, one after the other. Once done I felt the it was targeting my sisters room. I felt as if it was looking at my sisters bedroom door. After a minute the presence did the exact same thing on my parents bedroom door. The final room in the house was mine. I was scared ****less, I could feel the presence step closer and closer, to my bedroom door. Sometimes I would glance under the door. Even though it was pitch dark behind my bedroom door, I still could make out a pair of boots, on the other side. After a few minutes standing behind the door, I notice a black fog entering from the gap, under the door. And inside my room, the black fog regenerated into a shadow. The shadow was so dark, and very tall, (7ft maybe.) I had my duvet over me, and my face/eyes, so I never got a proper look at it, but I certainly could feel it presence. Very cold, very eerie. It stood over my bed
, looking down on me, for maybe it felt like, half a minute. After that it walked to the furthest corner to where I was sleeping. There it stood, and looked down on me, for what seemed like hours. Sometime I would take a sneak peak at it, from under the covers. Its very dark all over, and very transparent, almost like a real shadow. Some nights I feel the presence, would come out of its corner, towards me and try to drab my duvet of my body, as if it wants me exposed. But I could feel its actions, and therefore tightly squeezed my duvet to me, I did feel a struggle, but it was gone straight after that. One night it did managed to toss my duvet high up in the air, exposed, I screamed what I thought was very loud. Nobody heard me, but the presence was gone.
I get so tired, and eventually I would go to sleep. I was so afraid to get up and tell anyone in the middle of the night. I was even to afraid to go to the toilet in the night, with that thing lurking around. This thing was around me for at least another 3 years, and almost every night, it did the same thing, but I finally found happiness when my parent decided to move again.
Also one day, I had a pencil case full of colouring pencils. I emptied all the pencils out of the case, and were scattered all over the kitchen table. All of the sudden, I saw one pencil moved, that pencil would hit another pencil and then a couple others. It was like saying someone flicked a pencil on the table, causing it to hit a nearby pencil, and that pencil hit a numerous other pencils. This happened 3 times, consecutively.
Also one night, I mistaken a upright iron, on a upright iron board, with a neatly stacked ironed shirts next to the iron, for a huge cat from hell,
and I'd say I was six at the time.. Gave nightmares.
Still afraid even today about the whole thing, but over the years, I did get use to it. Maybe there is an logical answer to all of this. And has someone else experienced this sort of thing.
Nature VS God
I would like to post a topic on GOD,
Do I believe in GOD, I like to think I do, but I’m not to sure.Only place I have studied GOD and religion was back in school.There may be supernatural forces at work, or its just NATURE bringing order and balance to the world.But over the years, I have basic theorised that NATURE is GOD.
NATURE aka GOD, made all animals, including humans with a brain. Since we have brains, we can decide on ourselves. Humans and animals can decide when to eat, what to hunt, where to go to school etc etc. But all the other things in the universe, without a brain, is assisted with NATURE/GOD. For example NATURE/GOD decides which way and how hard the winds blows, also NATURE/GOD decides when and where it will rain. NATURE/GOD even decides it if the pregnant woman is having a boy or girl, and so on and so on.In a holy book, it states, GOD is one, GOD is the creator, GOD is without fear and without hate. GOD is immortal. GOD is neither born and nor does GOD die. GOD is indescribable, inestimable, indubitable, infallible, intangible, imperishable, immutable, immortal, immaculate, immanent, unconquerable, unique, formless, fearless, deathless, timeless, ageless, compassionate, omnipresent and creator of all. Spirit, soul and body, all belong to GOD.GOD created all beings, animals, birds, creatures, including humans. GOD is formless. GOD is beyond gender and shape. GOD has no form, no shape, no colour. GOD is beyond these three qualities.As I kept on reading (over and over) the way region describes GOD, I felt in some sense, they were describing NATURE.There is even a saying.. “NATURE has a mind of its own” Maybe this is where GOD fits in..Well if I were to believe in GOD, then I think, that the thing that is all around us, (NATURE) is GODScience calls it NATURE, religion calls it GOD
Do I believe in GOD, I like to think I do, but I’m not to sure.Only place I have studied GOD and religion was back in school.There may be supernatural forces at work, or its just NATURE bringing order and balance to the world.But over the years, I have basic theorised that NATURE is GOD.
NATURE aka GOD, made all animals, including humans with a brain. Since we have brains, we can decide on ourselves. Humans and animals can decide when to eat, what to hunt, where to go to school etc etc. But all the other things in the universe, without a brain, is assisted with NATURE/GOD. For example NATURE/GOD decides which way and how hard the winds blows, also NATURE/GOD decides when and where it will rain. NATURE/GOD even decides it if the pregnant woman is having a boy or girl, and so on and so on.In a holy book, it states, GOD is one, GOD is the creator, GOD is without fear and without hate. GOD is immortal. GOD is neither born and nor does GOD die. GOD is indescribable, inestimable, indubitable, infallible, intangible, imperishable, immutable, immortal, immaculate, immanent, unconquerable, unique, formless, fearless, deathless, timeless, ageless, compassionate, omnipresent and creator of all. Spirit, soul and body, all belong to GOD.GOD created all beings, animals, birds, creatures, including humans. GOD is formless. GOD is beyond gender and shape. GOD has no form, no shape, no colour. GOD is beyond these three qualities.As I kept on reading (over and over) the way region describes GOD, I felt in some sense, they were describing NATURE.There is even a saying.. “NATURE has a mind of its own” Maybe this is where GOD fits in..Well if I were to believe in GOD, then I think, that the thing that is all around us, (NATURE) is GODScience calls it NATURE, religion calls it GOD
Saturday, 26 April 2014
Light anomalies and small people
my mother use to live in India, and the people of India are very superstitious lot.
but my mother tells and retells us siblings of her experience when she lived in India.
The house she use to live in, had a huge, god know how old tree, a few hundred meters from the house. The tree was huge and tall and wide. the tree had many trunks.
Mother said, that they could see right up the tree, and branches, all way to the top, therefore the tree has leaves, but not many of them. also there was something sacred about this tree.
Mother tell us that on some really late nights, a dozen or so lights appear on the branches of the tree. the lights were scattered, some on the bottom branches, some middle, some top, and so on, and that the light appears to be marching left/right from one branch to another. mother and the family did not want to know what would happen, if they kept watching, so they went to bed, and eventually went to sleep. in the morning, when they woke up the lights were gone. when i asked mother, what did the light looked like, mother said the lights looked like miniature candle lights.
No one dared to go to the tree at night. Mother tells us that, one night a truck driver from another state came and stopped his truck next to the tree, has he was about to urinate on the tree, he felt a tight slap on his face, and another, and another. even though it was pitch dark, but the truck light was on, and the driver could not see who or what was slapping him. out of fear he fled. after delivering, the truck driver came back the next evening and recognised the town and the tree. he got of to ask questions, but the people did not have answers... themselves were confused by it all.
Mother says that most of the town people believe small people live up that old tree. We say to mother "small people".
mother tell us that her great grandfather was digging a well for the village, a long time ago. the great grandfather gathered a few men and started digging. digging took place very close to the huge old tree. the digging got so deep and one day in the evening the diggers were calling it a day and when all the diggers climb out of the "well", little people start climbing out too, and fled. gob smacked, no one knew where they come from, or where they went. mother's great grandfather use to describe them, to mother and others, being small people, roughly knee high, wore a piece to cover their genitals, and their faces and body were of human.

when mother tell us this experience, i believe mother tells us, not to make fun or try to scare us, i can tell by the way mother tells us this experience. but whither to believe the story it self, i cant say.
but has a similar experience happened anywhere else??
but my mother tells and retells us siblings of her experience when she lived in India.
The house she use to live in, had a huge, god know how old tree, a few hundred meters from the house. The tree was huge and tall and wide. the tree had many trunks.
Mother said, that they could see right up the tree, and branches, all way to the top, therefore the tree has leaves, but not many of them. also there was something sacred about this tree.
Mother tell us that on some really late nights, a dozen or so lights appear on the branches of the tree. the lights were scattered, some on the bottom branches, some middle, some top, and so on, and that the light appears to be marching left/right from one branch to another. mother and the family did not want to know what would happen, if they kept watching, so they went to bed, and eventually went to sleep. in the morning, when they woke up the lights were gone. when i asked mother, what did the light looked like, mother said the lights looked like miniature candle lights.
No one dared to go to the tree at night. Mother tells us that, one night a truck driver from another state came and stopped his truck next to the tree, has he was about to urinate on the tree, he felt a tight slap on his face, and another, and another. even though it was pitch dark, but the truck light was on, and the driver could not see who or what was slapping him. out of fear he fled. after delivering, the truck driver came back the next evening and recognised the town and the tree. he got of to ask questions, but the people did not have answers... themselves were confused by it all.
Mother says that most of the town people believe small people live up that old tree. We say to mother "small people".
mother tell us that her great grandfather was digging a well for the village, a long time ago. the great grandfather gathered a few men and started digging. digging took place very close to the huge old tree. the digging got so deep and one day in the evening the diggers were calling it a day and when all the diggers climb out of the "well", little people start climbing out too, and fled. gob smacked, no one knew where they come from, or where they went. mother's great grandfather use to describe them, to mother and others, being small people, roughly knee high, wore a piece to cover their genitals, and their faces and body were of human.

when mother tell us this experience, i believe mother tells us, not to make fun or try to scare us, i can tell by the way mother tells us this experience. but whither to believe the story it self, i cant say.
but has a similar experience happened anywhere else??
I have always been fascinated about aliens and ET
i have always been fascinated about aliens and ET, And a very long time ago i had a very weird dream. In that dream I was theorising the existence of aliens, and now because of that i believe this theory is true..
I believe in aliens/extra terrestrials, but not creatures/beings from space..
I believe these aliens/extra terrestrials are creatures/beings of our planet Earth..
Some 5 million years ago, a species of Ape evolved into modern day, HUMAN
But what if another species of animal.Ape on Earth, more than 5 million or less than 5 million years ago evolved into what we call alien/extra terrestrials..
Since Humans were and still are savages, who mass breed (reproduction), the creatures (Aliens) was and still are frightened of us, and therefore went into hiding, leaving no trace of their existence.
They are more smart, more intelligent, more kind and more gentle then us humans, they knew humans would get jealous and envy them, and we could potentially started a war with them, if they did not run/hide.
I believe in the early days of hiding, they hid so far underground, no one else could see..
They made tunnels underground that connected to each other like a labyrinth all over under the world.
When these creatures become more technically advanced, they decided to go into space, to find a suitable planet where they can live, and live peacefully without any fear.
The creatures who did go to space have seen and done many wonderful things.
They also would come back to Earth (Home) for resources and tell others of their kind what they found out in space.
Also at this time they would communicate to Humans in ancient Egypt, China, South America. Etc., etc. Out of desperation, they would help human and advise humans in the humans lives. This was an propaganda, to make the humans believe that they (Creatures) were gods, only so they and humans could live in harmony together.
To back this theory up......
Every time someone reports seeing an alien/extra terrestrial, what do they look like??
Well it has eyes, nose, lips, ears, arms, legs, fingers and so on, the details/description of eye witness accounts all point to one thing, an earth like creature/being..
There have been autopsy on these creatures/beings, and from these autopsy nothing unearthly was under the skin, but instead, they had Earthly organs (lungs, heart, brain, and so on) even blood/blood vessels.
Sometimes they would abduct us to find our strength and weaknesses, the same way human scientists use animals for study and etc.
How come creatures from millions of years away (so to speak) have the same form and characteristics than the life forms from Earth.
Creatures from millions of years away, would and could look so weird and complicated that is so mind boggling to imagine, for example they need to get one place to another, but they don’t have legs or feet like they way earth life forms have.
They may not have lungs, but they can breath, and since all life forms here on Earth breaths oxygen and drink water to survive, these people from so called outer space, could die when inhaling oxygen and drinking water.
Perhaps for outer space creature/beings need Hydrogen Cyanide and Arsenic to survive, who knows..
What I am trying to say is, with peoples eye witness account, and other records, (if they are true or not) what we call aliens/extra terrestrials are actually creatures/beings of our planet Earth.
Please do not discard this theory, since the dream i had could hold many answers and i do firmly believe it
Thank You for you time reading this blog.
I believe in aliens/extra terrestrials, but not creatures/beings from space..
I believe these aliens/extra terrestrials are creatures/beings of our planet Earth..
Some 5 million years ago, a species of Ape evolved into modern day, HUMAN
But what if another species of animal.Ape on Earth, more than 5 million or less than 5 million years ago evolved into what we call alien/extra terrestrials..
Since Humans were and still are savages, who mass breed (reproduction), the creatures (Aliens) was and still are frightened of us, and therefore went into hiding, leaving no trace of their existence.
They are more smart, more intelligent, more kind and more gentle then us humans, they knew humans would get jealous and envy them, and we could potentially started a war with them, if they did not run/hide.
I believe in the early days of hiding, they hid so far underground, no one else could see..
They made tunnels underground that connected to each other like a labyrinth all over under the world.
When these creatures become more technically advanced, they decided to go into space, to find a suitable planet where they can live, and live peacefully without any fear.
The creatures who did go to space have seen and done many wonderful things.
They also would come back to Earth (Home) for resources and tell others of their kind what they found out in space.
Also at this time they would communicate to Humans in ancient Egypt, China, South America. Etc., etc. Out of desperation, they would help human and advise humans in the humans lives. This was an propaganda, to make the humans believe that they (Creatures) were gods, only so they and humans could live in harmony together.
To back this theory up......
Every time someone reports seeing an alien/extra terrestrial, what do they look like??
Well it has eyes, nose, lips, ears, arms, legs, fingers and so on, the details/description of eye witness accounts all point to one thing, an earth like creature/being..
There have been autopsy on these creatures/beings, and from these autopsy nothing unearthly was under the skin, but instead, they had Earthly organs (lungs, heart, brain, and so on) even blood/blood vessels.
Sometimes they would abduct us to find our strength and weaknesses, the same way human scientists use animals for study and etc.
How come creatures from millions of years away (so to speak) have the same form and characteristics than the life forms from Earth.
Creatures from millions of years away, would and could look so weird and complicated that is so mind boggling to imagine, for example they need to get one place to another, but they don’t have legs or feet like they way earth life forms have.
They may not have lungs, but they can breath, and since all life forms here on Earth breaths oxygen and drink water to survive, these people from so called outer space, could die when inhaling oxygen and drinking water.
Perhaps for outer space creature/beings need Hydrogen Cyanide and Arsenic to survive, who knows..
What I am trying to say is, with peoples eye witness account, and other records, (if they are true or not) what we call aliens/extra terrestrials are actually creatures/beings of our planet Earth.
Please do not discard this theory, since the dream i had could hold many answers and i do firmly believe it
Thank You for you time reading this blog.
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